Octane Explorers
Explorers are encouraged to lead themselves, under the guidance of unit Leaders they can set their own programme, they work towards some of the top awards Scouting has to offer. As the fourth section of the Scout family, they have many exciting opportunities such as camps abroad, parascending, off shore sailing and mountaineering.
We are fortunate at the 1st Gillingham in that, many of our Explorers also help out at the younger sections of the group, they are typically involved with helping and running, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. This in turn makes a difference to their sense of responsibility and leadership skills, which can improve their chances of gaining meaningful employment when they are ready.
The age range for Explorer Scouts is typically 14 – 18 years old, but this is flexible dependant on personal circumstances.
Octane Explorer Unit meets on a Friday evening between 7:00pm and 9:30pm
For more information regarding Octane Explorers please click here to go to their website.